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The CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) developed by Teachstone® is an observation based tool developed to assess the quality in infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms. It is based solely on the interactions between teachers and students and what they do with the materials they have, opposed to qualifying the materials themselves or the physical environment.
NMCAA uses the Infant, Toddler, and Preschool assessment instruments to assess Head Start Collaborative Classrooms and Early Head Start Centers and Collaborative Classrooms twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring. Each coordinator renews their reliability certification annually to ensure validity of scoring and data collection. The purpose of completing CLASS ratings is to provide individualized support and professional development for teachers. Your Coordinator will work with you following each rating to create a Shared Goal and Action Plan.
Each classroom has a copy of the CLassroom Assessment Scoring System Manual, a CLASS Dictionary flip book, CLASS Strategy cards, and a Dimensions Guide to use as references. Trainings are offered throughout the year for new teachers or for teachers who would like a refresher. Talk to your Coordinator if you would like to attend a training.
NMCAA uses the Infant, Toddler, and Preschool assessment instruments to assess Head Start Collaborative Classrooms and Early Head Start Centers and Collaborative Classrooms twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring. Each coordinator renews their reliability certification annually to ensure validity of scoring and data collection. The purpose of completing CLASS ratings is to provide individualized support and professional development for teachers. Your Coordinator will work with you following each rating to create a Shared Goal and Action Plan.
Each classroom has a copy of the CLassroom Assessment Scoring System Manual, a CLASS Dictionary flip book, CLASS Strategy cards, and a Dimensions Guide to use as references. Trainings are offered throughout the year for new teachers or for teachers who would like a refresher. Talk to your Coordinator if you would like to attend a training.
For each age group the instrument is organized into domains, dimensions, indicators and behavioral markers.
Infants (Children 0 to 18 months)
Responsive Caregiving
Toddlers (Children 15 to 36 months)
Emotional and Behavioral Support
Preschool (Children 3 to 5)
Emotional Support
Check out these documents:
Crosswalk of Conscious Discipline Skills and CLASS Indicators I HAVE CLASS
Crosswalk of Conscious Discipline Skills and CLASS Indicators I HAVE CLASS
The Teachstone® website is a useful resource to learn more about the CLASS tool. The website has exemplar videos for each dimension, articles, blog posts, and resources to support continued growth. Use the search bar on the Teachstone® website to find information about the dimensions you are interested in learning more about.