Teaching Strategies® - GOLD
GOLD is an on-going developmental assessment tool used to track children's progress throughout 38 objectives. This tool can be used for children birth through preschool age. Each site should have a copy of the Creative Curriculum for their age group which includes an Objectives for Development & Learning volume. In this volume, each objective and dimension section includes an overview, research foundations, a color band showing the progressions of development and learning, and strategies to try in the classroom.
Assessing children in Smart Teach:
1) Observe and Write Notes: Observe the skills of children in your classroom and keep written notes about what you observe. Anecdotal notes should always be non-judgemental and phrased in the positive. For more information, read the Documentation Best Practices article. All classroom staff can help observe and write notes.
2) Organize Notes: Some teachers choose to enter all of their notes in the GOLD online system within their Smart Teach account, while others enter some notes online and then create other ways of organizing their notes. Whatever system you use, make sure you are able to easily refer to your notes when completing your checkpoints.
3) Use Notes to Complete Checkpoints: EHS Teachers will complete checkpoints four times every year in November, February, May, and August, and HS Teachers will complete checkpoints three times every year in November, February, and May. Refer to the 10 Tips for Successfully Completing Your Checkpoint on the MyTeachingStrategies® Support Portal. Remember to reference your Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning book while completing checkpoints.
4)Use Checkpoint Data to Inform Lesson Plans: After completing checkpoints, use the data to plan ways to support children's growth in all objectives and dimensions. The Class Profile or Individual Child reports provide a clear picture of each child's developmental progress.
1) Observe and Write Notes: Observe the skills of children in your classroom and keep written notes about what you observe. Anecdotal notes should always be non-judgemental and phrased in the positive. For more information, read the Documentation Best Practices article. All classroom staff can help observe and write notes.
2) Organize Notes: Some teachers choose to enter all of their notes in the GOLD online system within their Smart Teach account, while others enter some notes online and then create other ways of organizing their notes. Whatever system you use, make sure you are able to easily refer to your notes when completing your checkpoints.
3) Use Notes to Complete Checkpoints: EHS Teachers will complete checkpoints four times every year in November, February, May, and August, and HS Teachers will complete checkpoints three times every year in November, February, and May. Refer to the 10 Tips for Successfully Completing Your Checkpoint on the MyTeachingStrategies® Support Portal. Remember to reference your Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning book while completing checkpoints.
4)Use Checkpoint Data to Inform Lesson Plans: After completing checkpoints, use the data to plan ways to support children's growth in all objectives and dimensions. The Class Profile or Individual Child reports provide a clear picture of each child's developmental progress.
Interrater Reliability
All staff who help complete checkpoints will be Interrater Reliable. The Interrater Reliability Certification can be found under the Develop tab in your MyTeachingStrategies.com account. EHS teachers will complete the Infants, Toddlers & Twos Certification and HS teachers will complete the Preschool/Pre-K Certification.
All staff who help complete checkpoints will be Interrater Reliable. The Interrater Reliability Certification can be found under the Develop tab in your MyTeachingStrategies.com account. EHS teachers will complete the Infants, Toddlers & Twos Certification and HS teachers will complete the Preschool/Pre-K Certification.
Click the button below to visit the My Teaching Strategies® Support Portal. This site contains webinars, videos, articles, and other supports for teachers and administrators.