In order to fund our local Head Start and Early Head Start programming, we must receive 25% of our funding from local donations of time, money, materials, and services. This funding source is called in-kind. This means we need help from parents and the local community to continue to operate our Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Parent involvement in their child's education is key to their future success and in-kind is a great way to be involved.
**Check out the documents below for more information about what we can count for In-Kind.
In-Kind: What Can We Count? (7/24) Parent In-Kind Flyer for CC without Learning Genie (7/24)
Parent In-Kind Flyer for EHS CB with Learning Genie (7/24)
Documenting In-Kind
Use the Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet for recording Parent/Volunteer hours for participating in parent meetings, field trips, volunteering in the classroom, etc. You will also use the Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet to record the time and mileage EHS families spend each month transporting EHS students to and from school.
All other volunteers (Firefighter, Veterinarian, etc.) use the Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind below to record donations of time or services. Make sure to include the presenter's rate on the form.
The Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind is also used for any donated materials. A monetary value must be associated with the donation and included on the form.
Signatures from the volunteer are required for both forms. If the signature is illegible, write the volunteer's name next to the signature. Turn into your Coordinator at monthly recap.
Parent/Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet (11/24) Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind(7/24) Sample Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind(7/24)
Use the Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet for recording Parent/Volunteer hours for participating in parent meetings, field trips, volunteering in the classroom, etc. You will also use the Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet to record the time and mileage EHS families spend each month transporting EHS students to and from school.
All other volunteers (Firefighter, Veterinarian, etc.) use the Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind below to record donations of time or services. Make sure to include the presenter's rate on the form.
The Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind is also used for any donated materials. A monetary value must be associated with the donation and included on the form.
Signatures from the volunteer are required for both forms. If the signature is illegible, write the volunteer's name next to the signature. Turn into your Coordinator at monthly recap.
Parent/Volunteer Monthly Time Sheet (11/24) Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind(7/24) Sample Volunteer/Donation Form for In-Kind(7/24)
You could use the spreadsheets linked below to easily track the time and mileage for self-transport activities. The EHS version includes formulas that will automatically calculate the miles and minutes for the number of days attended.
HS Mileage Cheat Sheet EHS Mileage Calculation Cheat Sheet