Incident Reporting
NMCAA Responsibilities
When a program is funded with Head Start dollars, NMCAA is required to report the following types of incidents to the Office of Head Start.
If in doubt, report it! It is always better to over-report than under-report.
Collaborative Center Responsibilities
- Collaborative Centers must notify their assigned Coordinator within one working day if: ~A special investigation by State of Michigan Child Care Licensing is opened, ~A provisional license is issued to the center, ~Of any concerns related to Licensing.
- Work with NMCAA staff to document circumstances leading up to or around any allegations, corrective action plans, or technical support received, including but not limited to providing access to available video footage related to any allegations regarding the health, safety, and well-being of enrolled HS children during HS program hours. If a BCAL-4605 form was submitted to LARA, submit a copy to NMCAA as well. BCAL-4605
- Notify the NMCAA Collaborative and EHS Centers Manager and NMCAA Early Childhood Programs Director via phone, or email within no more than 12 hours of any reports made by the Collaborative Center staff or parent to the Licensing Consultant or to Child Protective Services regarding allegations of child abuse or neglect. This will include any reports involving the Collaborative Center staff or other individuals having access to the Collaborative Center.
- Use the NMCAA Illness/Incident Report Form for Head Start and Early Head Start enrolled children when recording health and safety incidents. Keep completed forms on file at the center and submit to NMCAA upon request. Illness/Incident Report Form 7/24
HSPPS 1302.102(d)(1)(ii): A program must submit reports, as appropriate, to the responsible HHS official immediately or as soon as practicable, related to any significant incidents affecting the health and safety of program participants, circumstances affecting the financial viability of the program, breaches of personally identifiable information, or program involvement in legal proceedings, any matter for which notification or a report to state, tribal, or local authorities is required by applicable law.