Documenting Attendance
Attendance App
Attendance is recorded every day for each Head Start/Early Head Start (HS/EHS) student in the ChildPlus Online Attendance on your classroom iPad. The ChildPlus Attendance Instructions document below provides detailed instructions for signing in and recording attendance. Attendance and Absence Code Instructions (7/24) Recording Daily Attendance Status
Attendance Posters
Families receive a copy of the posters below in their acceptance packets and at their enrollment meetings with their FSS. HS Attendance Poster EHS Attendance Poster |
"Early school success goes hand in hand with good attendance!" ~Attendance Works
Absence Reasons Chart
Attendance Works Check out the Attendance Works website below for more resources for programs and families.
Attendance Concerns
Unexplained Absences
To ensure child well-being and family safety the following steps are to be implemented for unexplained absences:
To ensure child well-being and family safety the following steps are to be implemented for unexplained absences:
- When a child is unexpectedly absent and a parent or guardian has not contacted the program within one hour of the expected time of arrival, the program must attempt to contact the parent by the end of the day. Document the reason for absence and who made the contact in ChildPlus Attendance.
- If you are unable to make contact with the family that day, choose "Unexpected Absence" from the "Absence Reason" list.
- Your Coordinator or Family Services Specialist(FSS) is required to complete a home visit to check for child and family safety if a child has multiple unexplained absences (such as two consecutive unexplained absences). Notify your Coordinator/FSS within 24 hours if a student has two unexplained absences on consecutive days, and you are unable to make contact with the family.
Attendance Follow up Missing more than two days per month will result in a child falling below 90% of attendance, which could negatively impact students' learning. Beginning in November at monthly recaps, you and your Coordinator and/or FSS will identify children who are in danger of falling below 90% of attendance and you will work together to create a plan for supporting each family's unique needs. Refer to the Attendance Guidance document below for more information about supporting students in attaining optimal attendance. Attendance Guidance (7/24) EHS Attendance Success Plan (7/24) HS Attendance Success Plan (7/24) Blank Certificate |
Get Creative! There are a variety of ways we can work together to encourage families to strive for 90% attendance. A few ideas: